Sunday, December 8, 2013

Let We Not Forget, December 7, 19.......

How many of you know/remember what historical event December 7th is the anniversary of?  

On that day, then President Franklin D. Roosevelt address the nation with a speech that start out "This is a day that will live in infamy."

50 years later, President George Bush 41 (the first president Bush) visited the USS Arizona Memorial with fellow world war 2 veterans.

Figure it out yet? December 7th 1941, when 343 planes from 4 Japanese attached Pearl Harbor Hawaii sinking most of the US Pacific fleet, and destroying nearly all military aircraft on the islands.  The military bases and surrounding communities also were severely damage.  This attach brought the United States into World War 2, turning things around for the Allies as they were loosing the war.

Young people may say that this is ancient history, why is it important? Yes, 70 years have passed, and back in the 1960's when I was in elementary school, I thought is was a long time ago too.

Today, we live in a free and open democratic society, but if Japan and Germany had concord the United States, we would be living in a police state with a dictatorship or totalitarian government like Cube, China or North Korea.

The famous science fiction book "1984" wouldn't be fiction, it would be real.  

Hitler's Gestapo and SS would have expanded Hitler's genocide of Jews and minority (non white) races to the United States. We would have the ovens, huge gas chambers and mass graves, just as the Allies found in Germany. This said, for many, any births that occurred after the war would not have for these groups.

Are you a resident alien or naturalized citizen with a great life in America? If Germany was in control of the United States, you wouldn't be here as you wouldn't want to immigrate.

Concerned about the increase in surveillance cameras in stores and street corners? Under Germany's/Hitler's rule, there would be hidden surveillance devices in every building, and every room. 

What about Cell phones and other technology we take for granted? The wouldn't exist or be still in their infant stage and/or very limited use/functionality.  The US was the heart of the technology revolution. Both the first mainframe computer and microcomputer better known as a PC were designed and build in the US.  Many of us have iPhones, iPads, iPods, MacBooks and other Apple products. The Apple 1 that started Apple, was designed by an American college student who partnered with another American college student to build it.

As I said earlier, World War 2 was 70 years ago, so there aren't very many veterans of that war still alive today.  If you have a family member, or know some one that is a World War 2 veteran, you should thank them for their service and keeping the United State a free and open society.

Dwight A. Hunt, Sr. A+, MCP
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