Sunday, March 18, 2012

Conspiracy Journal

via Conspiracy Journal on 3/16/12


3/23/12  #662
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Dear Loyal Subscribers...You have NOT missed an issue! Due to illness (mine), I simply was not able to drag myself out of bed to compile last weeks issue.  However, this week, after a steroid shot and a refreshing round of antibiotics, I am feeling much better.  So here for your reading pleasure is this weeks edition of Conspiracy Journal...#662

- Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to Coastal U.S. -
- Fortean Disappearances That Have Kept Us Guessing -
- Meeting with the Wee Folk -
- Mystery Emails From Dead Man's Account -
AND: Chinese schoolgirls Commit Suicide Attempting to Time Travel

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

Take this link to read online this weeks exciting issue:

Questions? Comments? Send your email to:

See you next week!

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