Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Corporate Tablet Market = Corporate iPad market

via iPad Insight by Patrick Jordan on 3/13/12

Corporate Tablet Demand

A phrase we heard a fair bit in 2011 when a slew of potential iPad rivals came and went with hardly any impact was along the lines of ‘There is no tablet market, there’s just an iPad market’. This was largely referring to the consumer market for tablets.

The latest research survey from Changewave shows the same sort of story when it comes to demand for tablets in the corporate arena. In their February survey of over 1,600 business IT buyers they found that 84% of companies planning to buy tablets next quarter say they’ll be purchasing iPads.

Samsung is the next highest choice, but chosen by less than 10% of respondents. And as you can see above, Blackberry, traditionally such a corporate powerhouse, was chosen by under 5%.

More than 20% of the companies surveyed said they’ll be purchasing tablets for their staff next quarter, and the amount opting for iPads is at a higher percentage than ever.

2011 was meant to be the year where competition stiffened for the iPad. That didn’t happen, and now it looks like this year’s crop of would-be rivals has their work cut out for them.

Check out more details on the survey results at Changewave’s page for them.

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