Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Staying healthy before, during, and after SHTF

via @The Survivalist Blog by M.D. Creekmore on 3/13/12

This is a guest post and entry in our non-fiction writing contest  Melinda G

Being a prepper guarantees many things: you will always have a generous supply of rice and beans, you will never have an “empty” spare closet, and every bakery within a twenty-mile radius will be on “bucket alert” just for you. While most Americans are busy watching the newest reality TV circus – preppers are gearing up for what will soon be an actual reality. Economic collapse and social unrest are just a few of the possibilities.

Most preppers will have enough food, water, and defenses to get them through the rough patches of a disaster. A lot will even have a few antibiotics, bandages, and maybe even a suture kit “just in case”. However, there is one thing that no amount of money, food, or ammo can get you. It is something that I believe a lot of preppers might accidentally overlook. This one valuable, priceless thing is health. Without it, even the most highly trained survivalist will falter.

During a SHTF situation health will be even more important. Disease will be rampant, and doctors will be hard to come by. There are a few things you can add to your stockpile that will keep you healthy throughout any situation. One of the most important health preps everyone should implement into their everyday life is cod liver oil. Fermented cod liver oil is even better. It is said that the great Roman army was so strong and undefeatable because they regularly ate fermented fish sauce.

Fermented fish, especially cod liver oil, is chock full of vitamin A and D. These essential vitamins help repair and build strong bones, teeth, and skin. Vitamin D in particular has been proven to prevent many types of cancer. I was able to heal a long-standing cavity simply by adding cod liver oil to my daily routine (I know, I didn’t believe it either, but it works). Cod liver oil is also full of omega 3′s which are missing from most Americans diet, and will be in scarce supply during a SHTF situation.

There are some cod liver oils that come pre- mixed with high vitamin butter oil (which helps the body absorb the cod liver oil better). The advantages of this type of supplement are two-fold : they provide vitamins, and also the necessary fat that may be missing from ones diet during a disaster. Cod liver oil can be stored for at least two years, and does not need refrigeration. There are some interesting stories of cod liver oil healing every type of disease known to man. If you research Dr. Weston Price you can see all the studies on cod liver oil he performed, and understand why he believed cod liver oil to be the most important food for health. It should definitely be a staple in every preppers inventory.

While cod liver oil can help prevent and even reverse some diseases, there is always the possibility of an acute infection. An acute infection happens quickly, and needs rapid treatment. Many preppers stock antibiotics, and this could prove to be dangerous. Antibiotics suppress the immune system, and also kill off some of the good bacteria, thus lowering your resistance to future infections (which could turn into antibiotic resistant strains). Antibiotics surely have their place in life and death situations. However, in most cases antibiotics are much too strong, and unnecessary for most infections.

Before antibiotics, doctors commonly prescribed colloidal silver and other natural anti-bacterial/fungal remedies. These methods tend to work better, because they kill the infection while boosting the immune system. The best natural antibiotic, and the one doctors commonly prescribed before pharmaceutical antibiotics is colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has been proven to kill over 600 different types of bacteria and fungi. Colloidal silver can be purchased relatively cheap, or one can even invest in a simple colloidal silver maker. Two other great natural antibiotics are oregano oil and goldenseal. They can also be purchased cheaply and make a great stockpile antibiotic.

Another extremely important supplement to stockpile is vitamin C. Vitamin C neutralizes all types of toxins and boosts the immune system. This is especially important if your preps include a lot of canned items. It is well-known that the amount of toxic BPA in canned items has increased rapidly over the years. Vitamin C actually clears out BPA toxins which can build up after eating a lot of canned food. A person cannot overdose on vitamin C, and high doses seem to produce greater benefits. More importantly, vitamin C is necessary to prevent scurvy, which could become more common after a disaster.

Vitamin C is fairly cheap to obtain, but you must be careful about which type you choose. The typical grocery store brands tend to have additives. The best type of vitamin C is sodium ascorbate, which is a neutral form of vitamin C. The sodium neutralizes the acidity in vitamin C, so it is much gentler on the digestive system. Of course vitamin C works best as a preventative, but prevention is what we should all be aiming for. A good starting point is 1000 mg, and then increase the dose as one might feel necessary. If you would like to read a good book detailing all the studies on vitamin C, “Curing the Incurables” is a great start. The entire book focuses on the different diseases vitamin C can cure, with studies to back up the claims.

This next set of remedies is for the ladies, but guys feel free to read on. Women inherently have a lot more health issues to worry about, and a SHTF situation can turn these issues into hardships. There are several ways you can prepare for these hardships. First of all, I think every woman should have a set of at-home urine strips. A set of 100 of these strips can be purchased for under $10.00. These strips will tell you if you have a bladder infection, and they are just as accurate as the ones in the doctor’s office.

If you are prone to UTI’s two great remedies you can stockpile are D-Mannose and Uva -Ursi, both of which are natural remedies. Uva-Ursi is still commonly prescribed for UTI’s in Europe, and is very effective. D-Mannose is a derivative of cranberry, and flushes out most bladder infections. D -mannose works on 90% of UTI’s which is why I suggest Uva Ursi as well, just in case. Again, the problem with antibiotics is they kill good bacteria, making it harder for the body to fight infection. This is why women who have one UTI, tend to get into a never-ending cycle of antibiotics and more UTI’s. The body never gets the chance to build up the good bacteria.

Two more common ailments that women suffer from are yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Both can be cured with boric acid inside vegetable capsules. This was actually the standard treatment before modern medicine, and it had a higher success rate compared to antibiotics. You can buy a bottle of boric acid for a few dollars (it’s perfectly safe) and fill a size “00” vegetable capsule with the boric acid. Insert it vaginally and it will dissolve inside. You should do this for ten to fourteen days straight. This usually clears up both BV and yeast.

Another inconvenient problem women have to deal with is menstrual cramps. An extremely effective and simple remedy for this is blackstrap molasses. As simple as it sounds, one tablespoon of this liquid can cure even the most stubborn cramps. It is a well-known cure in the alternative medicine arena. Blackstrap molasses can store for several years, and the price beats over- the- counter medications.

A few other great remedies to stockpile for health are apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda is an excellent remedy for heartburn, indigestion, and gas. Just take a tablespoon in water and it usually clears up. Apple cider vinegar is another well-known natural remedy, and has been used successfully for arthritis pain, candida, overall aches, indigestion, etc. Apple cider vinegar is also used by many to increase energy levels, assist in fighting colds and flu, and to help with allergies. Both of these remedies are easy to store, and under ideal conditions can last several years .Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent hair wash and conditioner. Baking soda can be used to brush your teeth, wash your hair, and clean just about anything. So even if you don’t use these two remedies for health, they can still be highly beneficial during a SHTF occurrence.

To survive in any situation you have to be able to think clearly and move fast. You can only do this if your body is healthy and strong. All the food in the world won’t matter if your body cannot utilize it. Most of the health preps mentioned here are affordable, and can/should be used every day to boost your immune system. The better shape you are in – the better your chance of survival. Even if dung doesn’t hit the roof, you will still be better off than most Americans. Your body is a temple, and a healthy temple can withstand anything.

This is an entry in our non-fiction writing contest where you could win:

First Prize) Winner will receive a Nomad – 1 Person Standard Survival Package courtesy of Shepherd Survival Supply, a One Month Food Pack courtesy of Augason Farms, a $150 gift certificate for Remington Ammo courtesy of LuckyGunner.com and a EcoZoom’s Versa Stove courtesy of EcoZoom stoves. A total prize value of over $875.

Second Prize) Winner will receive two (2) Rothco Sure Paks With Heater courtesy of Camping Survival, a Wise Food Vegetable bucket courtesy of LPC Survival and a Wonder Junior hand grain mill courtesy of Kitchen Kneads. A total prize value of over $509.

Third Prize) Winner will receive 3 – 27 Variety of Non Hybrid, Heirloom Non GMO Survival Seeds, 2 – Fruit Pack of Non Hybrid, Heirloom Non GMO Survival Seeds and 2- First Aid Kit with Sutures in a Waterproof Resealable Bag courtesy of Be Prepared Now. A total prize value of over $215.

Contest ends on March 30 2012.

Originally at: The Survivalist Blog dot Net Copyright © 2012 · All Rights Reserved

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