Wednesday, March 14, 2012

T-Mobile Wants Interoperable 700Mhz LTE

via Phone Scoop - Latest News by Eric M. Zeman on 3/14/12

T-Mobile has requested that the Federal Communications Commission explore the idea of mandating the interoperability of LTE networks in the 700MHz band. T-Mobile argues that such a move would benefit consumers and allow carriers to strike LTE roaming deals. As it stands, LTE devices offered by AT&T and Verizon Wireless cannot work on both networks because they use different bands. The FCC said that it will look into the issue and investigate whether or not the different bands can work on the same device without causing or suffering from interference issues. "As the commission has recognized, roaming allows carriers to be more competitive and provides important benefits to consumers," T-Mobile wrote in its filing. "Moreover, because of the concentration in the wireless marketplace, roaming is an increasingly important tool for carriers to be able to compete. Therefore, current carriers' ability to provide roaming on 700MHz systems will promote competition in the wireless marketplace, to the ultimate benefit of wireless consumers."

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