Tuesday, February 28, 2012

$2.50 gas is reachable but unlikely unless congress acts...

via Sean Hannity Discussion by RichieRicher on 2/28/12

There is so much BS in the media these days about gas pricing and what is causing it that I can't stand it anymore. All these morons who pass of the pricing as simple supply and demand, or mid-East strife, or Hurricanes, or some combination thereof have not got the first clue in how pump prices are determined and who can actually set or influence them.

Nope. If you want $2.50 gas, you simply need to end derivatives trading in oil. Say what?

Oil gets traded in the OTC futures market that has about as much regulator oversight as the mortgage backed security market pre-meltdown.

The ultimate purchasers (refiners) and sellers (producers) of oil have absolutely no say in pricing since by the time a barrel of oil actually comes out of the ground and gets delivered to the refinery for use, it has been traded multiple times on paper driving up the price.

Supply and demand? Hardly - I bet if Reagan was still here he would force congress to act and put an end to oil traders on Wall Street who are nothing but parasitic speculators.

My solution would be to simply outlaw intermediary reselling of oil. By bye Wall Street parasites, hello $2.00 oil.

That's it, quite simple, really.

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