Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The "Bill of Rights" are GUARANTEES

via Sean Hannity Discussion by Chip82 on 2/27/12

The Bill of Rights were adopted to promise that certain God given rights would never be infringed upon by the government. The rights were listed to make it crystal clear which rights could never be taken away by that same government. In essence, perpetual GUARANTEES from government tyranny.

Each and every president from the time of Washington on took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution and to specifically guard those guarantees made to the people of the United States upon ratification.

If the president thinks that he has the power to take away God given rights, he can then assume that he has the power to determine the right to life and death itself.

Obama is not a stranger to the Constitution. He knows exactly what he is trying to steal from the populace.

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